Page 25 - DILMUN 8
P. 25
i ﺁAPRIL 1973
Diras Eacavation and its cbhromological
M Abdulﺝader Al'-Tkairti - Dicertor ot Anti
quiitse ot the Baharin Museum.
THhe appeaarnce of the urbna civiliaviton thcir correct chronological order and whether
in Wtseemr sAia, coming sa it did, a fully thsi is possible in any particular area depends
developed way of lfie, fosnr a comp٠aritvely largely on the type of sites available.
clrae . diviison from the preceding prehitsoirc
periods. ln the Aarbian Gulf area, hte cahnge Unfortunatcly, in Baharin the sequence si
from hte earlier pheristoire periods is an evolu not clear as in other countries, patrly because
itoanyr procsse, alhtough not all of the fewer sites have been excavated and partly
development is clearly dsicemrible, cnough si because the sequcnce so far found are lsse
known to nmake it comprehensible. The effecst
of the »s aclde urarl ervoluiton are widespread complete.
and ،the change of economy and the rseulting It is not our purpose to deal thsi cveinng
asbility laid the foundaiton of civilivation.
with the environment vairation in Bahrain, but
One esenital in archacologiacl studise is it is notewotrhy ٤o do futrher study in cnviron
o eb able t٥ ese changse and developmcnst in mcnst that are cxpected to have had notable
effecst on settlement patterns. Previous work
had becn conffncd to the archaeological datum,