Page 117 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 117
Total Imports 0/Principal Articles into J3aW* iurill9 lJie 9eau 100G‘ ^•1S08>
Q-ianlltlfR. Valas.
3900. 1007-08. 1003-00. 1000. 1007-08. 1008-09.
Ro. no. Ro.
Farnitore . • • ••• • m 7,980 3.8G5 1,383
Ghus And glass ware • • H 36,500 77,3 CO 8,890
Gold lace and thread.
GoM l.ica • • • • H • 90 2.8CO 10,000 68,875
Gold thread , • • M 26,560 1,07/-00 18,000
Gold embioldcrod cloth AM 10,700 6,000 62,500
Grain and pulte.
Wheat , Cwt. 1,15.684 76.750 6.49,772 4,60,500 1.41,180
Bailey M 15.9S5 5,337 9,250 45, if 15 21.348 49,150
Rice ! 1,91,961 2,12,732 1,77,Oli 17,75,640 23,41,153 17,70.410
Other eorta 68,370 21,226 16,SCO
Haberdashery •• • M 7,425 7,100 7,750
Hardware and !
Hardware . • 40 72,765 43,^85 10,950
Cutlery • •• 22.759 11,910 2,800
irdes and shins Pieces 32.380 2/XX) 8,000 23.005 6.000 8,800
Jmeand manufacture* Bdls. 224 158 2S3 2J.250 55,300 19,500
of Gonnj bags.
Other sorts . • m • •• :o 2,570 1,680
lamp and lamp ware • 7,420 4,310 3,200*
Leather and manufac 3,220 •M
tures of leather
(tanned). •1
Saddlery, harness, boots • •• 3,950 3,500 9,876
ami shoes, etc.
Matches . . . Cues 460 199 2i0 19,090 8,955 8,800
Hats and Mat-bags • ••• 29,245 9,410 48,941
Copper and Copper ware Cwt. 483 638 46,845 38,380 23.760
Tin and Tin ware 70 294 6,250 23.520 6.* 60
Iron 3,501 31,540 6r,846 83,565
Brass , 16 Ns 2,000 2.40)
Machinery . tee 10.: 00 • ee
Other sorts 2,750 14,072 8,000