Page 184 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 184
Total value of Exports to Principal Countries from Bahrain Islands during the years *9o8-ogt
1909.10 and 1910-11—concld.
Qoastitt. Valc*.
Names of Articles aud Countries to which exported.
190809. 1909-10. 1910-11- 1GC8 09. 1909-10. 1910-1I
Wearing apparel— Ra
Trucial Oman . 1,050 1.850
Persia . . 10.700 2,3(0 6.000
Turkish Arabia 70.700 2,795 *.000
Katar . • 19,175 2,400 800
Kuwait . 6.270
Watches and clodr*—
Kstar 300
Turkish Arabia L800 4,800 1.200
Persia . £X«) 1,420 4.580
India I.G00
India 9, $9,54 5 24,80,000 2.52,200
Turkish Arabia 28.425 30,900 c.iy.too
Persia 3.SO C.050 1.05.000
Kuwait . 3.9CO 25,000 4.25.000
Maskat . 7,700 10,400 16,000
Katar 3.21.000
Trucial Oman 9.65.000
Articles not specified above—
Turkish Arabia 5,984 : 10,750 5,020
Trucinl Oman . 3(*0 : 1,280
Persia 3,640 i : 2,4(;0 7,154
Katar 695 1,200 19,704
India 5 60 ! 1,420
Aden ... 28-3
Total Exports of Principal Articles from Bahrain Islands, during the years 1908=09, 1909.10,
and 1910-1911,
Quantity. Value.
Names of Principal Articles exported.
1908 09. ! 1909-10. 1910-11. 190S-03. 1909-10. 191011.
Aximals— No. No. No. Rs. F«. Rs.
Horses 19 5 6 8.950 2,250 2,100
Donkeys no 35 so 8,100 3.C25 2.S00
Coat» and sheep 300 2(0
Milk cows . 176 1U540
Bones GO 160 156
Cwta Cwts. Cwts.
Canvas sail cloth 2,332 1,200 739 1,50,248 72,000 48,540
Coflee 6,200 4.400 3,851 2,12.320 1,50,740 1,56.745
Coir and coir rope 2.558 3,450 1,870 30,«O 55,150
Building material 300 1,070 4,68.800
Piece goods 6,55.5S0 5,08.500 0.070
Cotton (raw) 10,052 3,350 7,200
Yarn and twist 1,340 3,000 3,04.721
Date*. 2,83,251 7,22.550 8.850
Date jutioe . 14.750 22,738
No. No. No.
Date plant* 108 69