Page 221 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 221
No. 99, dated Bahrain, the 28th Janaary 1914.
From—M-WOR A. P. Trevor, C.I.E., Political Agent, Bahrain,
To—The Secretary to the Government of India in the Foreign and Political
Department, Delhi
I have the honour to invito reference to my letter No. 722, dated 29th
November 1913, with which I forwarded a copy of the Trade Report for the
Bahrain Islands for 1912-13.
Soon after I had submitted vnv report to the Foreign Department, London,
I found that the figures should have been in pounds sterling and not as hereto
fore in rupees. I also found some clerical errors in the statistics, and one or
two remarks in the body of the report which might have been expressed diffe
rently or omitted.
I have therefore submitted a revised report and corrected statistics (com
piled in pounds) to the Foreign Office, London, and I now beg to forward a copy
of it, in supersession of my first report, for the information of the Government
of India.
I beg to apologize for any trouble which may be caused by my having to
tend in an amended report.
8. G. P. I, DettL-y* 1193 P. P.~*-3-l914-3*