Page 250 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 250
Table B—conoid.
Total Exoorli of principal Article* from Bahrain. Inlands daring the yeari lOlQ.ij
MS-13-concld. ' f*
Artidca. 1910 11 1*11-12 1912-13 1910-11 1911-12 1912-13 n**ARK*.
je Jt A
Dr/ Lime* . 194 600
Vermicelli . Cast*. 333 230 400 253 3G9 534
Ghee . 4,300 12.4SG 11,533
ihia /car. t7V--
Other Sort*. 1.424 1.794) 1.4S6
Seed* 251 801 780
Shark Fin* 400 232 133
Mother O’Pari .Cwt*. 50 83 C5 113 336 210
European aarkit iZ a
■ d» nacd conieqau::j
Mussel 1,100 40CO 1500 1.100 2,133 1,000 dneed.
Ojrtcr 71.357 16590 6,000 2S.543 3,835 1,331
Tortoiso 900 350 210 300 133 80
Si'k, Haw 901 1,066
Manufacture c-f Silk—
Picco-gocxli- 1,420 1,034
Emhrcidcnd Cloth 833 666
Apparel 180 327 3S0
Silver Thread - 527 467
Export in 1911-12 «=vx>“:-
Spice* • 1,900 3,404 2,500 large and etill store
this jesr.
To El KaUr and K*=f *
Soft, Loaf, and Caodj 12550 13,802 12.7G0
Tallow W57 865
*» Candle* . 86 164 207
Tea lb*. 299,250 420,990 353,COO 9,975 17,717 14.734 Smuggling
quite to bmk **,fl 1------
Timber and Wood—
Plank* and Beam* 886 507 967
Wood-ware . 193 177 220
Batters . Ho. 6,800 4300 8,000 294 188 407
Tobaooo . 604 8507 5,000
Woollen Gooda—
Carpet* • L046 330 1,133
and i>aaaa.
Other 8orte • • U90 U*4 1470
Wearing Apparel . , L538 467 865
Watches and Clocks • . 385 507 434
Specie .... 180.218 34586 43900 M,°0TbS°?
Articles not spooled abort *425 841 1533
2485,156 | 2495.136