Page 261 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 261
Table C—concld.
'em Bahrain It far. is during fie yean 1910-11 to
T,U1 uUe of E,y-:tt,lo principal Uuntn'. f,^
»id coontric# to which exported. 1910-11 1911-12 lois-a 1910-11 1911-12 f 1912-13
Wool'*" Coed#—cow^ £ £ £
Other *ort»—cotj(<L—
Hard! . 3-1
Fern* . 3G 177 . 200
Tru-cul Oman . 131
Tarxiih Arabia 2t0 387 207
. Wearing Apparal—
Katax . 418 i 133 200
Kewe ii .
Pen 5* . 500 ; 301 400
Trocial Oman 401 193
Tariclsb Arabia • •• 53 133 67
Watcle* aid clocta—■
KMn .
80 173 167
Pma .
133 67
TorVi#b Arabia
305 201 200
India .
16,813 33.976 14.133
Krta, .
21,400 14/X.O
Koweit .
28,333 133 533
Vn>at . * 1,067
Pen* .
7,000 2,667
Thrlt*h Arabia
41,267 478 5,000
Oman « 64,333 6,667
KaUr ^:i]
1,313 123 400
P«in .
477 417 333
Traetal Oman .
47 67
T«AUfc Arabia
335 260 333
1,327,146 2^55^56 2.293,136
U®1 P D