Page 29 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
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menl by nativo boats to the lesser, Persian ports, in exchango for
                     livestock, etc. Tlio consumption locally liis also idoroasea
                     material ly.
                (£) $Jk?cic.-*-TIio increases in tbo imports from India and tbo exports
                     to the adjacent mainland towns weto both consequent upon tbo
                     heavy purchasing of pearls and dates, 6iguiCcant of a prosperous
                (0 £teZJa.-**Those exported in 1906 wore of a better quality than tho
                     consignments of tbo previous year: bonce the rise in value in
                     spito of tho decrease in quantity shipped. A large stock vras on
                     band at the close of tho year, tbo cloaning and packing of which
                     was deferred owing to the scarcity of labour.
              71 British steamers visited Bahrain on tbo voyage up tbo Gnlf and 37
           called on the rcturfc journey.
              1,200 pilgrims wero brought back from Jcdda by three vessels of tho Bombay*
           Persian Steam Navigation Company in March and April 1906, and three steamers
           of the saino Company took away about 1,000 inNovcmhor and December, while
           two stcaihera of tbo Hamburg-America Line also took away 128 porsons at the
           same period.
              The only foreign steamers entering the port wore the four vessels of tho
           Hamburg-America Line, mentioned ante.
              Exchange.—The Maria Theresa dollar opened tbo year At Its. 137 per cent.,
           but stood for the greater part of 1906 at Rs. 160 to Rs. 170, closing on the
           31st Deoember at Rs. 170.
              Freights.—Freights to and from India were from Rs. 10 to Rs. 12 per ton
           throughout the year. Tho rate for shells to Hamburg was 23s. 6d. per ton.
                Bahrain ;                  F. B. PRIDE AHX, Captain,
            The 31st July 1907.  I                 Folilical Agent, Bahrain.

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