Page 292 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 292


                 Return of Shipping of nil Nationalities which entered and cleared In the Foreign Trad#
                                    Port of Bahrain during the year 19x3-2914.        °* ^
                                                 SI earn Vesicle

                                    LXTE2ED                                CLEARED

                              With   Ix Baxiast.  Total.             With   I* B ALLA ft.
                   >'itk>t*litjr.  Caecol                           Caego.           Torit.
                                             Vcv                  Ves­     V«.
                           L-u] Toiutgc.l^ Twd*s*.                sel*.  Tonnage.  Toncagt Vfv
                                                                                   vli. T«:*.
                British .   72  146,468       72 146.AG5  British  9  17,145        9  1741?

                German .    14  35,97*        14  38,97*  German   1   2,839        I  -\‘3
                Total       S*5 • 185,447     86 185,447  Total  . 10  19,954       10  i?;m

                Return of British Shipping which entered and cleared in the Foreign Tr»Ac of the Port of
                                         Bahrain during the year X913-I914*

                                                 Siccvt Vessel*,

                                     ESTX2ED                               CLEARED,

                              Wrrx   IX,PaIIASX.  Tot ax.            With   Ix Baliarr.  Toni.
                   From.     Caxool                                 Gaego.
                                                           To.                      —,-r-
                                    •Vet.    Yea*                 Ves-1    Ves-
                                       Tom age.  Toaesge.                     Tonnage.
                                             •elk                 «u. To"“?t seU.
                                                                                    s b;<
                India       70  14L316        70 141.315  India    9  17,145
                Jeddah .                      • ••
                United States •  3  VM        2  6JS3
                                                                                    S  \U6
                Total       71  146^68        72 146,4X8  Total    9  17,145
                S. a. P. L-431 F. * P. IX 13*1*14. tt
   287   288   289   290   291   292   293   294   295   296   297