Page 313 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 313


        Table  * B"—II.—Exports.—Total Exports of Principal Articles from Bahrain during the years
                                   ipia-13 to 1914*15—contcL
                                  Quint it j.             Vuluc.
              Articles.                                                  Re sub so.
                            1912-13.  1913-14.  1914-15.  1912-13.  1913-14.  1914-15.

                                                    £      £       £
          Moiler O’Pcorls   .Cwta-   7.565  4,670  6.655  2,571  ?,079  1.955
          Tor: ob*   •  . Li*.  210   600     450     60    240     180
        Specie .                                   •13,000  105,343  243,518  Tide c»*Jjr of
          C«>£F‘*o •   •   . Cvis.  5,260  6,200  3,822  20,657  21,800  15,566
          liry anl Frc?b Limes                       GOO
          Glie* •   •  . G£s.       S5 664   9,177  11.533   8,133  3.220
          Oil, X<rrrine .   w  150,000  70.500  42,418  5.OX)  2,644  1,478
           . all kLiili .                           l,SO)   424     129
        Spices «   •   •   •                        2,500  2,387   2,183
        Saar,   Loaf and
         Caodj   .    . Tins  • ••   1,215    470J  12,760  14,600  7.919
        U .                    253    319     190  14,734  27,328  15,769  Due to decreis-
                                                                         el speculation
                                                                        and weakness
                                                                        of Persian
        YtnnJeelli .  . Cmrs.  178    205     256    534    335     416
        ?rovuion« of all kinds •                    1,693   707     964
        Tnliles a^d Fabrics-*
          Cette a pc<-ds per 1,000 Yk   347*  364  25,673  4,534   4,934
          Cottca, Raar ,   ,   .                     333
          Sail Ckch .   ; Cats.  513  729     607   2.413   3,124
          Silk and Silk Goods .                     3,146   1,320
          Silver xnd Gold
           TLj«d .    .                             1.5G0   3,830   230
          Twist and Tarn .            310     40     500   2,173    280
          Wool acid Woollw    t«
           Q«ds                                     2,403    422    104
          Chink, Earthen and
           Glwnin* .   .   .                        1*161    225
          Drnpa and Medicines ' .   im               633     231
          Ride* aid Skins Scans       576     336   1J80    3,840
          Household Goods ,   .      L.              647     430
                                                     654      S
          ttjy    •   •   -                          533     880
          rertomerr ,   ,
                                                    2rOOQ   1,0»
          JJmW and Wood  , ‘  ,                     1,534  1,178
                                            • ••    5,228   1,939
          Attics* not fpneified
           *ot. V     . _                          • 9,905  1,663   426
                 . Tofu                           2,295,138  1,740.008  461*624’
   308   309   310   311   312   313   314   315   316   317   318