Page 423 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 423

       i value of Exports to Principal Countries from Bahrain Islands (luring tlio years 1916-17 to
     P*                            1918-19—contd.

                                                  Quastitt.             Yaiu*.
          A_rtxI«M and Coaatriei to -which a j ported.
                                           1910-17.  1917-18.  191E-19.  1918-17.  1917-18.   1918-19.

          Store* and
      o*                                                          ft
      Jc&“                                                               £      £
      V-*           Iodia «                                      384,400  317,992  701,333
                    Arab Coast .                                  1,000         IfiOO
                    Basrah                                          84
                    India ,                                      124,616  5,166  2,604

      Jit.          Irab Coast        Cwta.  7,300  3,250  4,334  31.143  15,750  2!,t£9
                    Basrah .           ••      1             10     5             46
                    Persia .                          49   • ••           299

      >•            Arab Coast      Gallon*                 324                  270
                    Basrah ,          ••                   1,896                1^30
                    ladaa •           ■      1,344                 672
                    Persia •                                f04                  73
                    Arab Coast        Cwta.                 300                  400
                    Basrah ,           m                    216                  2S8
      Tisai of all 3unds—  Arab Coast                                           2.126
                   Bryr«h •                                        600           223
                                                                    80           373

       rasa  i     Arab Coast        Gallons  33.850  2,660  30,780  U00  397
                   B«ala .                                  416                   6»

       '■«* ,      Arab Coast                                                   1,00
                   P«                                               19            ao
                   Arab (Vast                                                    no
                                                                                . v
                   Penaa .
                 t  Arab Coast                                     900   6^80   <oo
                   Bastab .                                                      in
                   p«                                               i     160    in

       '“5*f and Candy •  Arab Coast   Tom     tf    721    411   1^60  22J60  16J20
                   Bastab i
                                       n                     69     62
        t                              «•     184    200     40   6US0   8.000

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