Page 461 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 461


                                table <f c •• i-imports.
        Statement of articles iaiportcJ Into Bahrain Oaring the years 191900 to fpai-ia Showing tli«
                        countries from which they were imported—co*t(L

                                   QUa*TITT.            Valci £.
         Article* and remit rics from                                    Rku^hss.
           which in. parted.
                            1919-20.  1920-21.  lttl-22. 1910-20.  1931-21.  1921-22.
      Cereals -COitJ.
         Arab Cout    . 7Or*    10     21            221     4.39
         India          m     1,998   1.493  2,734  44,698  33,698  50.176
         Persia         n       41                   909             63
         Basrah         n              21                    423
        1 fieat Floy
         Arab Coart     ff       2     45             54    10*7
         ltd la         *      674   9,668   1,127  14,303  25,171  25,815
         Eisrab         m .             3                     2
        Othtr Grains —
         Arab Coast                                  976    1,117    H>
         Basrah                                     4.559   3,5 «9*  547
         Iod’a                                      1,937   8,830'  6/67
         Persia                                       18     3:0    480
        Arab Coast .
                                                     188     560     187
        InfGa .   ,
        Ferata   .                                  3,636  11*478  15,635
                                                              67     707
      Bniso xiTKinu—
       Arab Coast ,                                  143
        Burak •                                                      200
        India                                        673    1*434  2.103
        Perris   3                                   276    • ••
       Anb Coast ,     Ton*   2,472  1.694          11/274  19,097  21,338
       Ba«rak                  236    112
               4        ft                          6J18    2,430  18,676
        Perrk                   78      1
                        n                           1*477    100    2.352
   456   457   458   459   460   461   462   463   464   465   466