Page 47 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 47

               the total value of jirlricipal article 8 exported from the Tort of Bahrain during the
                            years 19(j4t 1905 and 1906—concld.

                                         1004.           1005.            190*.
        tviBcir*! •*««■ ,nd
        rn° r*1  ^ wl>|cb expoitod.  cwnlriM                                  Yalon.
         0                          Quantitj.  Value.  Quail tit j.  Vain*.  Qnanlitj.

                                     Cwta.    Ra.    Cwta.    Re.     Cvta.   R*.
                                              7.650           7 jin            6,840
      ftifcjl AnVu                            2.085           2.185            2,215
                                              1.193           u«               1,050
                                               CSO             665              625
      jrtcJOmaa ~                             1.910           2,140            1,880
      P«a»                                    2,150           2.235            IJ3 70
      Ioia                                  3,11,500         3.83,500        6,55.976
      Torlub Arabia—                         40,9*0         10.55.OCO        21J)2JXX)
                                             52.SCO           45.7CO          41,700
      Trorul Oman ...                       2,So J 03        4,25,000        2,85,000
      Pdn'a                                  37.650          40,800           47.500
    L-*ila set xpedlied above—
      ToiUfb Arabia                          49.700           41.850          41.100
      Ma^at                                    950             875             1.020
      Trccul Oman ,H                           610             465              686
      Penza                                   8,430           7.910            7.370

                 Total of all article*     Uo.07.49l       2,01,50.643      2^7.62,810
   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52