Page 83 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 83
of India, and with renewed prosperity Tho chief imports from Oman were dry limes,
the imports will pxvbably increaso. They ! tobacco, oyster shells, firewood, amounting to 1*5
imported 9*1 per cent, of tbo gold thread ; per cent, of the total import trade. The exports
this year. agaioBt 42 per cont. of it Inst amounted to Ra. 1^28,281.
year. Tho decrease is duo to smaller Tho petty trade with Zanzibar, Muscat, Mukalln
purchasing capacity and stock in hand. nd Egypt requires no comment.
(6) Chinawaro which has boon roplaced by Slaughter animals.—Tho decreased import of
Belgium stuff, and to a small extent by goat and sheep was duo to the high rates prevailing,
Indian imjorto. and disturbed state in Persia and lightness of money.
(c) Broadcloth which was decreased Its. 5,000. Dates.—Tho increase in imports and exports was
This I think was duo to tightness of | duo to tho people of Hasa and Katif (Turkish
money. It is a noticeable fact that the | Arabia) not making direct shipments to Basrah as
broad cloth from tho United Kingdom last year. It would havo equalled the imports of
and India in the preceding year was the preceding year, but for the fact that many date
82 por cent, of the total and this year gardens were destroyed by Bedouins.
is only 37 per cent. The German imports Wheat.—Tho decrease is duo to failure of crop
increased from 15 per cent, to 30 per and disturbed state in Persia.
cent the whole amount.
Vermicelli.—The decrease in import^ is due to
It is thus seen that their decreases, except in largo stock on hand and people not having enough
China, were unavoidable, while their numerous money to enjoy luxuries.
increases are exceedingly marked. Tea.—The increase in imports and oxporta is due
It must be remembered that before the coming to greater demand from Persia, Hasa and^ Katdf,
of the Hamburg Amerika Line Steamers, various * and facilities for smuggling into Persian territories,
articles used to be imported from Germany, tin \ Shells.—The increase in quantity exported was
India, and theso were often wrongly entered as due to favourable market rates at Hamburg and
Indian goods. increased local competition.
Tho imports from Turkish Arabia which consists ' Specie.—The decrease in imports and exports is
cf pearls, oysters, dateR, ghi, live 6tock, wheat, and ' due to bad pearl season and scarcity of money.
barley amount to 12’b per cent, of the total imports, Pearls.—The decrease both in imports and exports
and exports in the shape of coffee, piece goods, may be attributed to low rates and to retention of
tea. go d thread, kerosine oil, tobacco, silk, ship stocks by pearl merchants of Bahrein, Kat3r, Katif
building materials and specie amount to 17*9 per and Koweit
cent, of the total exports.
Geld thread and lacet glassware and woolen
The trade with Persia amounts to 7*6 per cent, of grj0ds.—'There is a marked decrease in the imports
the imports and 8*l per cent, of the exports. The of these articles owing to scarcity of money. Tm-
former consists mainly^ of agricultural products, - ports of gold lace shows an increase of Rs. 58,875
wheat, barley, ghi, opium, firewood, and carpets. • over last year, but it was all re-exported.
Of the oxports the chief are piece goods, dates, date :
juice, rice, kerosine oil, sugar and tea, which are all Pilgrims* trap.c.—Two pilgrim steamers of the
transit goods. Bombay and Persia Steam Navigation Company
Berved this port in November 1903 for the Mecca
South America (Brazil) supplies coffee which pilgrimage of 1903-09. They took away 358
amounts to 4*44 per cent, of the import trade and kiVf-ff pilgrims who returned by the same company in
nothing directly in return. February 1909.
Austria Hungary supplies specie (Maria Theresa Freight.—Freights to and from India were Rs. 8
dollars), sugar, kerosina oil, glassware, hardware, to Rs. 10 per ton. The rate for shells to Hamburg
gold thread and matches which amount to 1 per cent by the German line was £1-7-6 per ton.
of the import trade.
Exchange.—Turkish Liras fluctuated during the
France supplies vermicelli and piece goods valued year between Rs. lfl-14 and Ra. 18-8, and Maria
at Ra. 12,705. Theresa dollars between Ra. 150 and Ba. 125 P«
Belgium supplies glassware, china ware, iron
ware, piece goods and loaf sugar; and Holland cotton C. F. MACKENZIE, Captain,
and woolen piece goods. '
Political Agent, Bahrein.