Page 138 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (IV)_Neat
P. 138


                                           THE BAHRAIN COURT
                                        Results of Prosecutions in 1368
                                               Number Number of Number of   Number of
                          Nature of olfcnce      of    persons   persons  persons Remarks
                                                Cases.   accused.   convicted.  acquitted.
                      Thefts ...............................  58  79  59    20
                      Attempted thefts           6       11        9         2
                       Forgery                   1        1        1
                       Receiving stolen property   5      8        8
                       Cheating ..               9        9        7         2
                       Criminal breach of trust   6       7        6         1
                       Use of criminal force and
                        assault ..              56       SS        70       iS
                       Cruelty to donkeys        4        4        4
                       Public nuisance.......................  43  59  39   20
                       Unnatural offences        4        5        4         1
                       Procuring                 2        2        2
                       Distilling liquor.......................  4  7  6     1
                       Liquor drinking and in possession   iS  24  23        1
                       Charas and opium          3         3        3
                       Gambling                   5       26       24        2
                       Profiteering              7         8        7        1
                       Unlawful medical practice  1        1        1

                                            THE AGENCY COURT
                                          Results of Prosecutions In 1368
                                                Number Number of Number of   Number of
                           Nature of offence      of   persons   persons   persons Remarks,
                                                 Cases   accused.  convicted.   acquitted.
                        Murder....................................  1  1  Under trial
                        Culpable Homicide         1        2                 2
                        Thefts ....................................  18  *9  16  3
                        Attempted thefts          1                 1
                        Extortion ..   .........................  3  3  3
                        Receiving stolen propert  9       11        8        3
                        Cheating.....................................  6  6  4  2
                        Criminal breach of trust  2        2        2
                        Use of criminal force and assault  4  4     1         3
                        Misappropriation          1        1         1
                        Public nuisance           4        4         1        3
                        Adultery.....................................  2  2  2
                        Distilling liquor ..       1        1        1
                        Liquor drinking and possession..   26  32   27        5
                        Charas and opium           3        3        3
                        Gambling    .........................  1  4  3
                        Unlawful possession of arms  1      1        1
                        Undesirables .........................  3  3  3
                        Profiteering .........................  3  3  3
                        Entering Bahrain without passport            1        1
                        Offences affecting decency and
                          morals ..                2        2        2
   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143