Page 14 - A Hand book of Arabia Vol 1 (iii) Ch 1,2
P. 14


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                                                        LIST OF MAPS                                   »

                           1.  Arabia: Districts and Towns
                           2.  Orographical Features of Arabia                           - In pocket oj Vo}. I
                           3.  Land Surface Features of Arabia
                           4.  Tribal Map of Arabia
                                                                                    v . In pocket oj Sol. II
                           5.  Key Map of Routes                                               »

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                                   NOTE ON THE SPELLING OF PROPER NAMES

                              As a guide to ,the pronunciation of Arab proper names a long
                            accent has been employed (a, i, 5, or u), to indicate the length of the
                            vowel above which it is placed ; the Arabic consonant ‘iw has
                            been rendered by the symbol" ; and the Hamzah (the cutting oh of
                            the breath which can precede or follow a vowel) is represented by
                            except at the beginning or end of a word and in some common
                            components of place-names, such as Bir, ‘ well ’, and Ras, ‘ head-
                         ■ land The aim has been to assist the reader in a correct pronun­

                            ciation without overburdening the text with a large number of
                            diacritical marks. The system of transliteration adopted is explained
                            in greater deta'il in the Note on pp. 612 ff.
                               Conventional spellings of names, when sanctioned by long
                            tradition, have been retained, e.g. Bedouins, Mecca, Mocha, &c.;
                            and in some well-known names accents have been omitted, us in
                            Asir, Hejaz, and Oman,           For a list of Conventional Sptellings, with
                            their correct equivalents, see p. 618

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