Page 201 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III_Neat
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Agreement from all present or future harbour duties, import duties, export duties,
taxes, imposts and charges of any kind whether State or local, tolls and land surface
rent of whatever nature.
In consideration of the right herein granted the Company shall pay—in
addition to the royalty per ton of Rupees Three (3) as provided in Article 5—to
the Shaikh within Three (3) months after the close of each calendar year the sum
of Four (4) annas per English ton of 2,240 lbs. in respect of the substances won and
saved during the said calendar year.
ib) The importation by the Company of firearms and other weapons is pro
hibited, except with the written permission of the Shaikh.
(c) The Company may import such alcoholic drinks and liquors as the
Company may require for the use of their foreign employees but only with the
written permission of the Shaikh, and the Political Agent, Bahrain, or any authority
deputed by them, but the Company shall not sell or give alcoholic drinks or
liquors to the subjects of the Shaikh or to the subjects of adjoining Rulers who may
be employed within the State.
Article 10
The employees of the Company shall be allowed to enter into and to leave
the State at all times without let or hindrance and free of all charge, and the Shaikh
shall grant to the Company’s employees every facility required for the purpose of
the Company’s operations hereunder.
But the Company’s employees shall not interfere or by their actions cause any
disturbance or cause opposition to the Shaikh’s authority within the State of
Sharjah and the employees shall not go beyond the limit of their duties when
employed within or when leaving the confines of the State of Sharjah for the
purpose of this Agreement.
Further in the event of any of the Company’s employees—whether he be a
senior or a junior employee—committing an offence which may cause disorder or
interfere with the moral or religious laws or interfere with the politics or subjects
of the State of Sharjah or excite them to sedition, then the Shaikh may apply to the
Political Agent, Bahrain, to send the person concerned—if a foreigner—out of the
State of Sharjah, but if a subject of the Shaikh then the Shaikh may arrest the
culprit and deal with him according to the laws of the State of Sharjah.
Article 11
(a) For the purposes of its operations hereunder the Company shall have the
right without hindrance to construct, maintain and operate power stations,
refineries, pipelines and storage tanks, facilities for water supply including boring
for water, telegraph and telephone lines and installations and wireless installations,
roads, railways, tramways, buildings, ports, harbours, harbour works, aircraft,
buildings and landing places for aircraft, wharves and jetties, oil and coaling
stations, with such lighting as may be requisite and any other facilities or works
which the Company may consider necessary and for such purposes to use free
of all payments any stone, sand, gravel, gypsum, lime, clay or similar materials or
water which may be available provided always that the inhabitants of the State are
not prevented from taking their usual requirements of these materials and that the
water supply of the local inhabitants and nomad population who may be dependent
on the same is not endangered. The Company at its discretion may select the
position of any such works. The Company may likewise install and operate with
out hindrance all such means of transportation by land, air and water as may be
necessary for the effective conduct of its operations hereunder provided it is for
the purposes of this Agreement.
(b) The Company shall under normal conditions accept and transmit free of
charge on its wireless and telegraph installations such of the Shaikh’s messages as
will not interfere with the Company’s business, and in times of national emergency
the Shaikh shall have the necessary use free of charge of the Company’s wireless
and telegraph installations and railways for governmental purposes.
(c) The Shaikh’s ships shall have the right to use harbours utilised or con-
structed by the Company provided that such use in no way hampers the Company
or interferes in any way with the safety of its operations of which the Company
shall be the sole judge. Any wharves or appurtenances constructed by the
Company shall be for its exclusive use. The Company may use for the purpose
of its operations the harbours along the coast of the State, but the Company shall
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