Page 218 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III_Neat
P. 218
Letter, dated January 2, 1939, from the Regent of Kalba to Petroleum Development
(Trucial Coast), Limited, giving the Confirmation asked for in (a) above
I have received your letter dated 9th Dhi’l Qa’day, corresponding to the
29th December, and I have the pleasure—
(1) To confirm that I concluded the Agreement of the oil concession, which
we signed at Ajman on the 27th of Shuwwal 1357, in my official capacity as Regent
of Kalbah, and that my signature includes the present Ruler of Kalbah who is
under my guardianship and any future Ruler to whom may be entrusted the
government of Kalbah:
(2) And 1 thank you for your agreement to my verbal proposal that the place
of Arbitration should be Baghdad:
(3) I further thank you for your agreement to my verbal proposal for the
payment of the annual amount in four instalments provided that delivery be taken
at one of the Company’s offices.
Extract from a Letter, dated May 7, 1952, from the Political Agent, Trucial States,
to the Ruler of Sharjah, conveying Her Majesty’s Government’s Recognition
of the Re-incorporation of Kalba within the Territory of Sharjah and
requesting his Acceptance of all Obligations accepted by the Former Regent
of Kalba in the Concession Agreement of December 20,1938
I have been authorised by His Excellency the Political Resident to inform
you that Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom are willing to recog
nise the reincorporation of Kalba in the Shaikhdom of Sharjah and to recognise
you as the lawful Ruler of the former Shaikhdom of Kalba provided that—
you will accept on your own behalf and on behalf of your successors the
obligations accepted by the former Regent of Kalba in the agreement signed by
him with Petroleum Concessions Limited (now succeeded by Petroleum Develop
ment (Trucial Coast) Ltd.) on December 20th, 1938.
If you agree to the arrangements here set out I propose that they should
come into force when I receive your reply to that effect.
Letter, dated May 8, 1952, from the Ruler of Sharjah to the Political Agent,
Trucial States, replying to (c) above and giving the required Assurances
I have received your letter 0220/67/52 with its enclosures. I have read these
documents and understand them and accept the conditions under which Her
Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom are prepared to recognise the
reincorporation of Kalba in the Shaikhdom of Sharjah.
No. 12
Political Agreement between His Majesty’s Government and Petroleum Develop
ment (Trucial Coast) Limited, relating to the Kalba Oil Concession, dated
April 11,1940
This agreement dated the eleventh day of April One thousand nine hundred
and forty is made between His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom
(hereinafter called “ His Majesty’s Government ”) of the one part and Petroleum
Development (Trucial Coast) Limited (hereinafter called “ the Company ” which