Page 238 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III_Neat
P. 238


                                                Article 25

                 for .hohp“„Tti™';,S”10 ,imc d“,EI“’“ in                    »«* or Banks

                                                Article 26
                     The Shaikh maly select in consultation with the Local Representative of the
                 Company a local man-conversant with the English Language-to act as a c°n-
                 fident.a1 person as between the Shaikh and the Company'! Representative andTo
                 Shaikhs rn°CrUinnf lihC labour that ll?e Company may require. The salary of the
                 fhe Shlikh ^ n" ? oS°n 50 aPP°n?tc,<? *ha11 bc l’aid by the Company, through
                 (40W perkmonth 3 "^aiWa'n and sha bc at thc rale of RuPccs Four hundred

                                                Article 27
                     This Agreement is written in English and translated into Arabic. If there
                 should at any time bc disagreement as to the meaning or interpretation of any
                 clause m this Agreement thc English text shall prevail.
                     In witness whereof the parties to this Agreement have set their hands the Day
                 and Year first above written: —
                     And God is Gracious.
                     (Signed)     Ahmad bin Rashid.       (Signed)     B. H. Lermitte.


                Written Statement by the Ruler of Umin-al-Qaiwain, dated November 16, 1951,
                      confirming that the Terms of the 1945 Agreement include the Sea-bed in
                      the Territory of Umm-al-Qaiwain
                    I Shaikh Ahmed bin Rashid al Mu’alla, Ruler of Umm-al-Qaiwain, confirm
                my agreement that the wording of Article 1 (a) of the Oil Concession Agreement
                signed on 20th March, 1945, has the following meaning:
                    The area to which this Agreement applies is the State of Umm-al-Qaiwain,
                including all Islands and Territorial waters appertaining thereto and all the sea-bed
                and subsoil under these Territorial Waters, including the Territorial Waters of the
                Islands, and all the sea-bed and subsoil lying beneath the waters which lie outside
                the Territorial waters of Umm-al-Qaiwain and contiguous to the Territorial waters
                of Umm-al-Qaiwain over which the Ruler’s jurisdiction and control extends or
                may hereafter extend, or which now or hereafter may form part of the areas over
                which the Ruler has or may have mineral rights (hereinafter referred to as “ The
                State ”) being all that Territory included in the Shaikdom of Umm-al-Qaiwain.
                    The Shaikh agrees that when a delimitation of the lands and the waters apper­
                taining to the State of Umm-al-Qaiwain have been determined the area covered by
                the Concession will be coterminous with the limits so determined.
                                                      (Signed)     Ahmad bin Rashid.

               Letter dated November 16, 1951, from Petroleum Concessions, Limited, to thc
                     Ruler of Umm-al-Qaiwain, informing him of the Company’s Decision to
                     Increase the Yearly Amount paid to him under Article 5 (c) of the 1945
                     Concession Agreement
                   We have the pleasure to inform you that the Company has decided to increase

               seventy-five thousand) commencing from the date of this letter. This amount will
               be paid every three months at the rate of Rs. 18,750/- (Rupees eighteen thousand
               seven  hundred and fifty).

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