Page 247 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 247
Quantity of fth caught in Gulf and on Jfmcal Coat.—The fisher-
men can give no idea of the amount of fish they actually catch, but
assuming that fishermen all round earn on an average krans 20 each
per month, and that the fish sell, had and good, at an average price of
four maunds of 8 lbs. per kran, which 1 believe is a fair estimate, we
would get for the weight of fish caught per annum by the 10,380 fisher
men in the Gulf and on the Mekran Coast the seemingly large amouut
of tons 50.100. On the Batinah and Muscat Coast from Mussendim
to Ilas-cl-IIadd according to this calculation the amount would bo
almost double this quantity. Tlius the total weight of fish caught in
the fishing grounds herein noted would be about tons 100,000 per
annum. This of course can only be accepted as a very rough estimate,
but considering that a portion of the fish go to owners of boats and
nets, not themselves fishermen, and thus do not reckon towards making
up the earnings assumed to be made by the fishermen, it would appear
U'A to be an overestimate.