Page 303 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 303

RESIDENCY and muscat political agency foe 1880-81.   133
                                      TABLE No. 13.

                Table showing Ayeraob Tonnaob of Vessels enterino and leaving
                     THE  Port of Linoaii during twelve months in 1880.
                         Class A—European. Class B—Native Craft.

                                                Average            Total average
                    Where trading or description.        tonnage of
                                                number.             tonnage.
                                                         each vessel.
                  'Square-rigged, Earope...
                      Ditto   India ...   • ••     4        705         820
                      Ditto   Java
                      Ditto   Aden ...
                e     Ditto   Muscat...
                £ s
               w  Steamers, Mail, B. L S. N. Co.  63       1,100      68,300
               <      Ditto   ditto English line   8       1,800      14,400
                     Ditto   Merchant, Bombay and
                    Persian Co.   ... ’           11       1,600      16,500
                  Steamers, Pilgrim                4       2,000       8,000
                 l» Ditto Miscellaneous

                                     Total ...    80                 1,00.020

                  India                          142        125       17,760
                  Aden                    •••               130        4940
               e                                  38
                  Muscat and Dependencies        166        26        4,160
                  Arab Coast, Persian Gulf; Bahrain...      20        7,300
               c                                 366
               i  Persian Coast, Meknn           177        20        3,640
                  Koweit, Basrah, and Katcef   • ••  130    126      16,250
                 .Zanzibar ...                     6       175        1,060

                                    . Total ...  1,024     • ••      64,980

                               Grand Total ...  1,104      • ••     1,66,000
   298   299   300   301   302   303   304   305   306   307   308