Page 377 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 377
residency and muscat POLITICAL AGENCY YOR 1830-81. 207
The accompanying returns show the statistics of trade at Muscat
during the past year as far as they cau be gathered, hut their correctness
i$ not to he relied on. They compare somewhat unfavorably with those
i-f the preceding year, as, owing to the continued drought, the date
harvest, the principal production of the country, was not so abundant.
In the export the chief falling off was in fruits, fish, and shark fins. In
the imports rice, the principal article, shows considerable decrease, while
graiii, on the other hand, was more imported than the year before. In
cotton cloth, too, the importations improved, but a large proportion of
these cottons uow come from America. The superior* quality of
“ Merikauis” is fully appreciated here, and they are driving the adulter
ated Mauchesters out of the market.
Dates are exported from Muscat to America, India, Yemen, and
Zauzibar, &c., and the amount seems to be yearly increasing. The
p rts of Soor, Kuryat, and the Batinah also ship large quantities, and
the <|ii:«utity shown in these returns is probably less than half the
actual quaulity exported.
During the wiuter of 1SS0-S1, 'Oman was visited with severe
>torms of rain and hail, which have been exceedingly beneficial to
the country, though the hail did a good deal of damage in some
districts. For two years previously 'Oman had suffered greatly
from waut of raiu, hardly au iueh having been recorded iu that period.
... The annual lease of the Muscat Custom-house has been sold to Sett
Hhatao Bhimjce for § 95,000.
Muscat, (Sd.) S, B. Miles, Licul.-Col.,
Tie 27M May 1SS1. j
11. B. Mlt Polll. Agent and Contul, Mu*cal.