Page 433 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 433

                 RESIDENCY AND MUSCAT. POLITICAL AGKNCT 'FOB 1881-82.      35

         articles of trade exported from Bu shire during the year 18o i—coatihued*

                    To     Arab     To      To
            To    Muscat  Coast of  Persian   Koweit,  To    To     Total ralue
         Adon, Bod   and  Persian  Gulf and   Bnsr&h,  Zanzibar.  China.  in rupees.
          Sea, &c.  Dependen­  Gulf and  Mokran.  and
                    cies.  Bahrain.       Baghdad.

            Be.     Be.     Be.     Be.     Be.      Be.      Be.       Be.
                                             • ••
                                             • ••    •t#
                              300             200                         500

                    •••      1,000           1,000                       6,000
                    2,000    2*000           4000                       23,000
             ••                                                         "*3,500
                      500     500
                      400     500     400                                1,900
                            • ••
                      500    1,000           1,500                       3.000
                                                     • ••     • ••     • 40,000
                      500     500             500                        3,500
                      500     200                      200               1.900
              500     200     100                                        3.100
              500     200     200                                        7.100
                      500     200                                        5.900
                             • ••                    • ••
                              500             500      500    • ••
                                      650     400
                            • ••

                            • ••

                    1,000    1,000           1,200                       9,200

                    2,000    5,000           • ••.                      87,000
                              400                                         800
                      500     200                                       .  700
                      400     500                                        4,900
                    •••       500                                        2,500
            1,000            2,000          .1,000                       5,000
            8,000   5 000    5,000  15,000   •••                       5*61,000
            • ••                             1,000                       1,000
            •••               500     600                               15.000
                                            10,000                      10.000
            •••     •M      • ••             • H

            •••              1,000   •M      • M              •••        1,000
   428   429   430   431   432   433   434   435   436   437   438