Page 518 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 518
Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods exported
from Bahrain during the years lbSO and 1861—concluded.
For tSic jcari
Incrc&RC in Dccrcaao in
Cl&bo. 1881. 1881.
1880. 1881.
Rs. Ra. Rs. Ivs.
Perfumery 8,250 7,900 MS 350
Porcelain and China-ware. 3,100 2,850 • •• 250
Provisions and Oilman’s Stores 19,170 18,555 Ml 615
Salt 200 250 50 • ••
Saltpetre . • 950 1,050 100
Seeds . ' . 2,470 2,250 • •• 220
Shark Fins 8,000 8,450 450
Shells, Mother-of-Pearl 2,000 2,250 250 • ••
Silk, Raw. . • 8,000 8,150 150
Do., Manufactures of 21,600 21,100 400
Spices 17,900 17,710 • • • 190
Stationery . • 950 950 • •• • ••
Sugarcandy • • 7,000 6,750 250
Do., Crushed • 250 2G0 10 • ••
Do., Loaf 2,100 . 2,020 80
Do., Soft 13,000 13,150 160
Tallow 3,000 3,C50 50
Tea . • . • 300 250 • M 50
Tobacco . • • 30,000 29,600 600
• M
Do., Manufactures of 4,570 2,580 • M 1,990
Timber and Wood « 6,000 6,650 650 •••
Wax. Bees' 200 230 30 •••
Wool . • • 9,000 9,400 400 •••
Woollen Goods 11,750 . 9,610 Ml 2,240
Other kinds • 300 • •• • •• 800
Total 32,24,000 27,18,970 11,680 6,17,610
Specie 6,00,000 6,80,600 80,500 . •••
Grand Total 87,24,000 32,09,470 92,080 6,17.610