Page 609 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 609
TABLE No. 5.
Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods imported
into Bushire during the years 18Q1 and 18S2.
For tho year
Tncreanc la Decrease In
CZ.UJ8, 1882. 1882.
188!. 1862.
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Animals, Living • 800 6,700 4,900
Apparel, Wearing , 12,000 13.000 1,000 • ••
Arms and Ammunition • 17,300 20,500 3.200 • ••
Beads and Amber . 2.000 2,000
Books and Printed Matter 6,000 11,200 6.200
Building materials 9,500 11.000 1,500 • •k
Candles 20,000 10.000 • •• 10,000
Canes and Rattans 200 300 100
Canvas 2,000 3,500 1,500
Carriages . . 13,000 3,500 9,600
Cattle . • • •• 310 310 • ••
Clocks and Watches 4.000 7.500 3,500
Coal . • 25,000 20,000 6,000
Cocoanuts • • 2.000 3.000 1,000 • • •
Coffee . 25.000 22,800 2,200
Coir and Coir-rope 6,000 6.500 1,800
Confectioner}*, Preserves 12.000 7.000 6,000
Cotton Goods 20,60,000 51,15,500 30,55,500 • ••
Thread and Twist 4,000 37.500 33,500
Cotton, Raw. 15,\X)0 15,000
Dates 8,500 6.000 • •• 3,500
Do. Juice 2,000 11,000 9,OX)
Dru^s and Medicines 48,000 53,300 5,300
Dyeing and Colouring Materials 1,3 0 9,900 8,600
Earthenware • , , 500 1,000 600
Fruits and Vegetables . , 17.000 16,850 • ••
Fuel............................................ 8,500 16,700 7.200 160
Furniture . . , 7,000 9.500 2,5(0
Glass and Glass-ware 20.000 29.500 9,500 • ••
Gold Embroidered Cloth 20,000 18,000 • ••
Gold Lace .... 16,000 15.000 2,000
Gold Thread, &o. . 19.000 26.500 • ••
Grain and Pulse . , 3,92,800 98.000 7,500 • ••
Hardware and Cutlery . 16.000 17,COO 2,000 2,94,800
Hides and Skins . . 11,000 6,000 • ••
Indigo . . . . 3,90,000 2,80,000 • •• 5,000
Jewellery « * • . , lu,00u 1.10,000
Jute, Raw .... 2,000 1,7000 10,000
„ Manufactures of . , 29.000 44,600 300
Heather, Manufactures of 3.000 4.700 16,600 •••
Demons, dry , , J 6.000 7.700 1.700 •••
„ Juice . . , 300 620 2.700
Liquors, Wines and Spirits 30.000 64,000 320
Lucifors • « • , 6,500 34,000 • •I
Mats • . 15.000 8,000 1,500 • ••
Metals • , , 12,80,100 19,400 4,400 • M
Mill Stones , , , ■ 21,07,200 8,27,100 • ••
2,000 2,000 • • •
• M