Page 713 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883_Neat
P. 713
residency and musoat political AQENCT FOR 1882-83. 165
Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods
imported into Muscat—continued.
Tor the official year
Increase la Decrease la
From. Articles. 1882-83. 1882-83.
1831-82. 1882-83.
Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars.
j / Tobacco • 2,200 2,780 680 ...
« h Cloaks • 1,000 260 • •• 760
“ 3 Hair Combs . 200 116 86
p O
a Wool . 6,500 2,220 3,280
S» Twist . • • . 2,700 2,000 700
£ tf \ Shark Fins . . . 6,000 10,380 6^80 e se
O UJ Fish Maws • • 700 4,030 3330 • M
3* Do. Sounds 400 1,910 1310 •••
as Miscellaneous articles, 6uch )
pJ * as matting, raw cotton, 6,000 20,000 15,000
chemicals, &c.
Total 3,42,545 3,71.305 1,33,910 1,06,160
Specie 20,000 30,000 10,000 •••
Gband Total 3,02,545 4,01,305 1,43,910 1,05,160
( Coffee 2,200 6,670 4,470 • • •
Sugar . . 420 420 • ••
Ditto, loaf. 600 100 eee 400
Indian-corn 220 220
Jowaree . 8,000 290 •*. 7,710
Cocoanuts . 3.000 2,010 • •• 390
Monkey nuts 600 • • • eee 600
Chintzes . 4,000 760 3,260
3 Cotton Goods . 30,000 58,175 28,175 tee
5 Twist ee • eee eee Mt
0. Paper 300 425
<3 Cloves 5.000 125
ft Wood Rafters 6.000 3,480 ••e 1,620
5 Fowling Pieces • 6,000 2,200 tee 3,800
Frankincense 600 700 100 tee
Antimony. . eee 20 20 eee
Ambergris . 1,200 420 780
Civet 650 2,030 1,380
Dragon’s Blood . 1,200 • • • eee
o Arabian Gum eee 1,200
02 250 290 40
Wild Cypress Seed 23,000 19,625
Otto of Roses . 250 6,600 6,360 •••
Shunna • . 1,600 1,660 50
Gum 200 I*.
Fish Oil . 2,000 see 625 200
Senna Leaves • 230 ••• 1,475
Aloes . • 2,600 300 230
C Cowries • • 2.600 -610 ••• 3,200