Page 312 - The Origins of the United Arab Emirates_Neat
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2 78           The Origins of the United Arab Emirates

                  Sultan bin Sacjr, 14, 37 8, 41,   treaties with Britain, xi-xii, 2,
                      42, 47 9> 62 9, 87, 129,        3, *3> 25-7, 66-7, 89, 196
                      134. *44 », 156-7* ,6r» 172,   see also United Arab Emirates
                      >83 4, 187, 192             Tunb Islands, 80, 81, 89 90,
                    air-route, 96, 97-103, 105        '25-30, '94-5
                    oil concessions, 118
                  Sultan bin /ayid, 83 6, 87, 132   ‘Udayd bin Sa‘id, 12
                  Superior Oil Company, 193       Umm al-Qaiwain, 15-16, 57-8,
                  Symon, A. C. B., 146                 148, 181, 186
                                                    air-route, 105, 176
                                                    dynastic struggles, 34-42
                  Tahnun bin /ayid, 42              oil concessions, 108, 111, 112,
                  Taimurtash, 126 7                    123-4
                  Texas Company (now Texaco),       ruling family, 242
                      114                         ‘Uejayr, Conference of (1922),
                  Thomas, B., 59, 69 70, 71, 77,      76- 78, >25
                                                  United Arab Emirates, xi-xviii,
                  Treaty of Jeddah (1927), 25, 74      1-2, 190-8
                  Trevor, Colonel A. I*., 40-1,51,
                      61 2, 78, 164               Wahhabi, 73-9, 81-91, 132
                  Trucial Oman Levies, 191, 192   Warren Fisher Report, 24-5
                  Trucial States                  Weightman, H., 22, 38-9, 105-6,
                    air-route, xiv xv, 22, 24, 25,     121-3, 147, '54, '58, 161,
                      30,67,92-106,174                 '77-8
                    boundary disputes, 112-13,    Williamson, Hajji Abdallah, 109,
                      ' '4, '35 4°, '4' 9, '88,        111, 115-17, "8
                      '?2 3                       Wingate, Sir R., 173
                    British representatives, 27-33,   Wonckhaus, 129
                      162-79, '9°, 243-5°
                    Indian population, 3, 5, 7 8,  Yemen, 75
                      11, 54, 60, 169             Yusuf Kanu, 62
                    oil, xv, 19, 22, 25, 26 7, 30,   Yusuf Yasin, 192
                      52, 87, 107-24, 141-9, 155,
                      192 4                       zakat, 6
                    pearling industry, 7 8, 11 12,   /ayid bin Khalifah, xiii, 8-9,
                                                       10, 38, 42, 43, 45, 56, 82,
                    political and social fabric, 55 71   '3'* '44, '97
                                                  /ayid bin Sultan, 183, 191-2,
                    slave trade, 8, 101, 121-3,
                      '54 5* '65 6, 177, 178-9         '94» '95


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