Page 176 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 176

                      Meetings were held at regular intervals and attended by the teachers from all the schools
                 for discussions about school affairs, problems and difficulties. One of the main difficulties during
                 the year was the lack of necessary materials such as exercise books, which could only be got at a   l
                 prohibitive price, slates, which were unobtainable and chalk of which only a very small quantity
                 was available. No new kindergarten materials could be bought but the teachers showed great
                 ingenuity in utilising odd scraps and simple things such as shells, dry palm fronds, match boxes and
                 old Christmas cards for kindergarten work. It was again impossible to give cooking lessons, which
                 were useful and very popular, owing to the strict rationing of food.
                      The annual needlework Exhibition was held at the Palace by kind permission of His Highness
                 Shaikh Sulman and in spite of the difficulty in obtaining materials and threads more work was shown
                 than in previous years. Some linens and other materials were obtained from India but unfortunately
                 much of this consignment was stolen en route. All the work which was for sale was sold and twice
                 the amount of work which was on show could have been sold to the very large number of visitors
                 who came to the exhibition. The proceeds from the sale of work amounted to Rs.5,907. A local
                 merchant offered to buy up the whole exhibition for a large sum but this was not considered desirable.
                 Much of the embroidery was extremely well done and some of the best work was by pupils of the
                 lower grades. Prizes were given from the best work done by a girl from each school. No schools
                 plays were performed but there was an end of term prize-giving and entertainment for all the schools
                 in the Muharraq school building which was attended by an enormous crowd of mothers and female
                 relations. The prizes were given away by the wife of His Highness the Ruler and many of the ladies
                 of the Ruling Family were present at the function.
                      The Lady Doctor, Dr. Doeg, visited the Manama school and examined every student, these
                  medical examinations took time but it is hoped that in future similar medical examination will be
                  carried out in all the schools. A nurse from the Government Hospital made regular weekly visits
                  to the Muharraq and Manama schools. There was a visible improvement this year in the girls’
                  health mainly owing to prosperous local conditions but partly due to the girls getting proper medical
                  attention and regular exercise.
                       The number of girls at the schools at the end of the year was as follows :—

                               Manama school ..                          353
                               Manama New school                         210
                               Muharraq school                           300
                               Hedd school ..   .                        165
                               Rafaa school                              139

                       The total expenditure on Girls’ Education in 1363 was Rs.57,300, the estimated expenditure
                  for 1364 is Rs. 80,000. The increase is owing to the greater number of teachers, higher war allowances
                  and the high price of school equipment.

                                        THE TECHNICAL SCHOOL.

                               (Report by Mr. G. E. Hutchings, Principal, Technical School.)
                       During the year 1363 the number of students in the Technical School has dropped considerably.
                  This is mainly due to the increased employment of local workers on military and other development
                  schemes in Bahrain. Boys with even the minimum of practical training have been much in demand,
                  and the prospect of good wages has tempted many to leave the school after only a brief attendance.
                  The summer recruitment yielded only 22 new pupils of satisfactory standard, again because employ­
                  ment is attracting boys who might normally take up technical courses after passing through the middle
                  classes of the Primary Schools. Although the pressing demand for labour of all kinds is a temporary
                  condition it is fairly certain that new developments in the oil undertaking, in air transport and


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