Page 190 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 190

                     Oil Filtration Plant.—Owing to the breakdown of the De Laval filter and its insufficient
                capacity to cater for the three existing generating sets it has been decided to instal a Steam Line
                Filter of 2.5 gallons per hour capacity. An order has been placed with the Company concerned and
                it is expected that supply will be effected during the early part of 1364. It is considered that the cost
                of this important equipment will be amply repaid by a more economical consumption of lubricating
                oil and also by increased mechanical efficiency of the engines from the use of cleansed oil.
                     Financial Position.—After meeting all charges a surplus of Rs. 63,479 was shown for the
                year 1363, which has been carried to " OPERATING RESERVE."

                     Electricity Charges.—Electricity charges were not increased in 1363, and it appears that
                there will be no necessity at the present stage to anticipate increased generating costs.
                     Prospects for 1364.—(1) R.A.F. Muharraq expect to carry out the installation in the near
                future of four generating sets giving a total output of approximately 400 K.W. No definite
                arrangements have yet been made regarding the release of the whole or even part of the existing
                connected load of 246.500 K.W. but it is anticipated that their ultimate requirements will be an
                emergency supply only. This matter is now under consideration.
                     2.  (a) B.O.A.C. The provision of an H. T. feeder and transformer for supplying the Tran­
                sient Camp has been arranged. The necessary wiring of the Camp itself will be carried out by the
                R.A.F. (A.M.W.D. Dept.) The additional connected load is expected to be of the order of approx­
                imately io.oo K.W.

                       (6) An additional power supply requirement for new buildings on the Jetty will entail the
                provision of an increase in the supply capacity. Non-availability of the essential materials has
                delayed the commencement of this work which requires two L. T. lines from a transformer in the
                Gudhaibia Palace to a point approximately 400 yards distant and onwards four L. T. lines carried on
                seven steel standards to the Jetty, approximately a further 600 yards.
                     An arrangement has been made for the supply of the necessary materials from R.A.F. sources
                and the work will be carried out by the Electricity Department as soon as this is available.

                       (c) Air Conditioning of the B.O.A.C. Rest House.—It has been notified by B.O.A.C.
                that they expect to instal air conditioning units in the Rest House during the summer of 1945 requiring
                a power supply of approximately 55 K.W. An application for this supply has been carefully considered
                 and it has not been found possible to guarantee it even after the installation of the new 200 K.W
                generating set. If however the proposed installation of a 400 K.W. generating capacity is effected
                 by the R.A.F. and thereby reduces the present connected load to Muharraq, it will be possible to
                supply the additional B.O.A.C. requirements. This matter is being given urgent consideration and
                will be reviewed in conjunction with the R.A.F. authorities.

                     3. The new 200 K.W., M.B. & D. generating set on order from the United Kingdom is expected
                 to arrive and be erected during the first six months of 1945 (1364). It is hoped that it will be available
                 for load during the summer of 1364. This will not immediately materially affect the existing generat­
                 ing capacity as the two 100 K.W. sets will require to be temporarily taken out of service for complete
                     4. The usual domestic load increases in the bazaars and towns generally should add approx­
                 imately 40 K.W.
                     New Flour Mills.—-The State Engineer’s Department installed two new plants of Indian
                 manufacture, electrically operated between November and December, 1944. The average output
                 capacity per mill for eleven hours running is 50 sacks each of three maunds.

                    Fitting and Electrical Workshops.-~The provision of suitable workshop facilities in the State
                 Engineer’s Department is clearly a long standing and urgent requirement.
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