Page 207 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 207


           In the Budget for 1364 it is estimated that the revenue will amount to 48 lakhs and the expen­
      diture will be 38 lakhs, the surplus of revenue over expenditure, 10 lakhs, will be added to the Reserve
           On the revenue side of the Budget 27 lakhs will be derived from the oil royalty which it is
      assumed will produce approximately the same as in 1363. Customs revenue is assessed at Rs.15.60.000.
      This is 5 lakhs less than the actuals of 1363 but there is reason to suppose that there may be a decrease
      in the value of imports which would reduce the customs collections. Interest from the Reserve
      Fund now amounts to Rs.3,20,000. The remaining sources of income amounting together to
       Rs. 3,20,000 are estimated at slightly less than last year's actuals.
           The estimated expenditure is 5 lakhs higher than the actual expenditure during the previous
      year. No provision has been made for any new schemes or expansion. Over one third of the total
      expenditure goes in the Civil List and the proportion of the oil royalty which is paid to the Ruling
      Family the remainder consists almost entirely of salaries which are paid to employees who are working
      in Government departments, in the armed forces, and in social services such as Education and Public
      Health. Higher rates of pay and higher war allowances have increased the cost of the administration
      in every direction most especially in the case of the Police and Nature forces. In 1363 the cost of
      Public Protection was Rs.5,71,000. In the 1364 Budget 8 lakhs has been allocated to this heading
      which includes half a lakh to provide for a detachment of British Police whom it is hoped may be
      enlisted for duty in Bahrain. The estimated cost of Education is one lakh higher than the actual
      cost in 1363, much of the increase is to cover the salaries of a number of Egyptian teachers who
      started working at the beginning of the year.
           The Budget of the Electric Supply Department has been shown with the State Budget. A
      profit of Rs. 27,000 is anticipated. The Bahrain Government has invested in this undertaking
      just under 5 lakhs and until now there has been no return for this investment.       ■




                                                    Tho Time# of India Praia, Bombay.     ,

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