Page 280 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
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                         In 1365 there was an all round improvement, 71 more boats were equipped and the estimated
                    value of the catch surpassed all figures for the last 20 years. This figure represents the actual amount
                    for which the pearls arc sold by the nakhudas to the merchants in Bahrain, before the pearls leave tho
                    country they may change hands several times, each time at a higher price. For some years no notably
                    important pearls were found, such as the famous pearl which was bought from a boat in Bahrain for
                    Rs. 75,000 and was eventually sold in Paris for Rs. 2,00,000, but in 1365 two exceptional pearls were
                    sold by a Qatif nakhuda for Rs. 45,000 and Rs. 30,000 respectively. Prices during 1365 were at one
                    time higher than they had been for many years but during the communal disorders in Bombay prices
                    fell sharply because the Moslem sellers were unable to enter the Hindu quarters of the city in order
                    to do business with the Hindu buyers. The estimated value of the catch was 32 lakhs, about
                    7,000 men went diving and there were no boats that failed to make a profit.

                         From the following figures can be seen the trend of the pearl industry over the last twenty
                    years. An exact computation of the number of divers and the value of the catch is not possible, the
                    figures giving the number of boats are actuals and those of the divers and the catch are as nearly as
                    possible correct. This record shows that although at one time the diving industry seemed likely to
                    suffer an almost total eclipse yet during recent years its prospects have brightened very considerably.

                             Year.     Number of boats. Number of divers. Value of catch
                                                                     In Rupees.
                              1345           515       19.250
                              1346           507       18,500   >    Not recorded
                              1347           53i        19.650
                              1348           538       20,150
                              1349           509       19.300        21.25.000
                              1350           504        17,600        18.32.000
                              1351           456       16.650         12.14.000
                              1352           436        16.000        13.40.000
                              1353           340       12,700         10,00,000
                              1354           316       11.550         8.33.000
                              1355           264        9,800         6.07.000
                              1356           271        11.000        13.22.000
                              1357           252        10,200        7.56.000
                              1358           219        9,000         6.25.000
                              1359           191        7.500         5.15.000
                              1360           222        9.500         8.09.000
                              I36l           298        10,100        10.35.000
                              1362           277        9.386         16.32.000
                              1363           188        7.322         18.18.000
                              1364           121        5.100         18.55.000
                              1365           192         7.100        32.14.000

                         A detailed account of the working of a pearling dhow is given below, the dhow whose account
                    is shown took part in the 1363 (1944) season and a record of its transactions was maintained by the

                                                   General Account.
                    Crew 37.                 Rs; a. p.                              Rs. a. p.
                     Sales ..               9,811 0 0 Shares of divers            7,848 12 10
                                                      i/5th shares of boat and financer  1,962 3 2
                                       Rs.  9,8n 0 0                         Rs. Q,8ii o_o

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