Page 299 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 299
Surgical Features.—Major operations were doubled this year, chiefly owing to the return
of the ward of 12 beds, used previously by the R.A.F. Similarly, minor surgery was enormously
increased. There was a greater variety of operative work, and a large amount of minor eye surgery.
Penicillin was used continually with great success.
Medical Features.—Malaria and Pneumonia were not so prevalent as inpatients. The inci
dence of tuberculosis was greater, and several patients were transferred for prolonged sanatorium
treatment in Miraj, Bombay Presidency. The facilities and climate there arc excellent, and are more
and more being utilised by Bahrain.
Ophthalmic Features.—Both out and inpatient work have increased considerably. More
people too from outside countries are coming expressly for eye treatment. The new Trichiasis opera
tion involving a partial lower Tarsectomy with two layers of sutures, has fully justified itself, and
is obviously much appreciated. Sir Henry Holland the famous eye specialist of the Church Mis
sionary Society Hospital at Quetta visited Bahrain for ten days in November to operate on the son of
Shaikh Khalifa Bin Mohamed for Congenital Cataract. During his stay he did a prodigious amount
of work on other patients and gave a great impetus to this branch of the work. He also operated
with success on the eldest son of His Highness Shaikh Salman. Altogether he carried out 35 opera
tions, saw 150 patients, and did many refractions, in both this and the American Mission Hospital.
Penicillin was tried out in various forms with not marked success, as has been confirmed by most
observers. A wave of acute trachomatous conjunctivitis broke out from September to November
due to climatic conditions. Treatment over 5-7 days, using " 693 ” cured most cases.
The Bahrain Medical Society.—This was started for the first time at the beginning of the
year. Members comprise ail the doctors of the island, varying between 15 and 18. Meetings are
held monthly in each of the three Manama hospitals and in Awali in turn. Papers are read, illustrated
clinically if possible, leading up to a general discussion.
Ophthalmia .. 2,073
Respiratory Disease .. 972
Venereal Disease 956
Abscess, Boil and Ulcer 886
Malaria 722
Worms 504
Piles and Fistula 483
Rheumatism and Myositis 464
Injuries 364
Abdominal Disease .. 357
Dermatitis 303
Dysentery 224
Otitis .. • .. 231
Asthma 100
Pulmonary T.B. 77
(Total No. Outpatients seen 10,503)
Eye disease was exactly double last year's figures. Venereal Disease showed a small increase.
Malaria was substantially reduced. Dysentery showed an increase. Piles and Fistula were the high
est number known. T.B. was at a high level.