Page 409 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 409

                                 GENERAL REVIEW
              The total revenue of the State during 1366 was 86J lakhs of which approxi­
        mately 39 lakhs came from oil royalty, 35 lakhs from customs receipts and the
        remaining 12J lakhs from income from investments, sales of land, oil gauging
        fees and miscellaneous sources of revenue. Ihe revenue was 20 lakhs higher
        than in the previous year and exceeded the budget by 22J lakhs. The increases
        were in oil royalties and gauging fees, customs revenue and sales of government

              Expenditure amounted to 67 lakhs which was 7 lakhs more than the total
        expenditure which was anticipated in the budget. The main reason for this
        difference was an all-round increase in the cost of living allowances and in some
        basic salaries.
              During the summer of 1366 there was a certain amount of labour unrest
        which was fomented by political agitators. The rapid growth of the oil industry
        in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Qatar produced a demand for almost unlimited
        numbers of skilled and unskilled labourers and owing to the shortage of man-power
        both oil companies and contractors working for companies and for the Saudi
        Arabian government paid very high wages to the people they employed. Bahrain
        Arabs heard that men who were doing the same work as themselves in other parts
        of the Gulf were earning twice or three times as much as they received in Bahrain.
        They did not compare the difference in conditions and in the cost of living between
        Bahrain and other parts of the Gulf. The Bahrain Petroleum Company, the
        biggest employer of labour in the country, granted a substantial increase in wages
        and the Bahrain Government did the same.
              There are in the permanent employment of the State, including the Police,
        over 1,300 persons, of whom all but 111 are Bahrain subjects. These employees
        together with those of the Ruling Family who are granted regular payments
        from the Civil List received from the State Rs. 29,28,000 per annum, in monthly
        salaries, allowances, etc. The increase of the cost of the permanent establishment
        of the State which resulted from raising the cost of living allowances and from
        adjusting many of the lower basic salaries was approximately 6 lakhs per annum.
        In addition to this the rates of pay for daily unskilled labour were raised by Rs. 20
        per month per head which caused a very substantial increase in the cost of all
        buildings and public works. Unfortunately however the higher rates of pay did
        not check the rapid flow of labour out of Bahrain to other States in the Gulf where
        carpenters, motor drivers, masons, youths with a year or two’s experience in an
        office and even inexperienced school boys could be sure of finding highly paid
        posts. The cost of the administration increased considerably without anything
        more to show for the additional expenditure.

              Price controls on almost all goods except those which were bought with
        authorised dollars were done away with during the year but this resulted in no
        lowering of the cost of living. The price of many things such as local building
        materials, fish, vegetables, lucerne, eggs, milk and poultry increased and because
        the bazaars were full of imported goods, which people had learned to do without
        during previous years, when they were not available, the cost of living rose. The
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