Page 482 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 482


                            Appointments.—Mr. Stanley Hills was appointed Officer-in-Chargc of Public Works and
                       arrived in Bahrain on 25th November 1947.

                            Miss R. G. A. Maguire was appointed Matron of the Government Hospital in November 1946
                       on the resignation of Miss J. A. B. Adamson who resigned from the service of the State on her marriage.
                            Syed Mahmood Syed Ahmed Alawi was appointed Accounts Officer of the Bahrain Government.
                            The following State officials were on leave in the United Kingdom during the year, Mr. C.
                       Dalrymple Belgrave, C.B.E., Adviser to the Bahrain Government, Dr. R. H. B. Snow, State Medical
                       Officer, Miss R. G. A. Maguire, Matron, Government Hospital.

                                            SHAIKH RASHID BIN MOHAMMED.
                            The death occurred during the summer of Shaikh Rashid bin Mohammed bin Khalifah, the
                       oldest member of the Ruling Family. Shaikh Rashid’s father was the leader of one of the factions
                       which devastated Bahrain by civil wars in the middle of the 19th century. He made himself ruler
                       of Bahrain in 1850 and after a stormy life he died in exile in Mecca in 1890. Shaikh Rashid was an
                       Arab of the old type with a profound knowledge of the history of Bahrain and of the Ruling Family.
                       He was the father-in-law of the late Shaikh Hamed and was a strong supporter of that Ruler. He
                       held various posts and, until he became blind some years before his death, he took an active part in
                       public affairs. Both in his language and in his outlook he was typical of the Arab Shaikhs of the last
                                             Mr. R. CAMPBELL TUNNICLIFFE.
                            Mr. Campbell Tunnicliffe who joined the service of the Bahrain Government as Officer-in-
                       Charge of Public Works in March 1946 died in Scotland while on sick leave in the summer of 1947.

                                                   BUDGET 1367
                            In the budget for 1367 a total revenue of 75 lakhs has been anticipated, this is about ill lakhs
                       less than the actual income of the State in 1366. The oil royalty has been estimated at the same figure
                       as the previous year’s actuals, 39 lakhs, customs receipts are expected to produce 26$ lakhs, as against
                       35 lakhs last year and income from other sources has been estimated according to the revenue which
                       they produced during the previous year.
                            The total expenditure is expected to absorb the whole of the year’s revenue and only the
                        surplus of actual revenue over anticipated revenue will be available for investment. The sum of
                        2o\ lakhs has been allocated to new works; of this amount 81 lakhs are to be spent on revenue
                        producing schemes such as the Manama town water-supply, government shops and the new post office.
                        There has been an increase in the cost of administration of about 6 lakhs owing to the payment of
                        higher cost of living allowances, increases in basic salaries of lower grade local staff and the payment
                        by the government of items in the Civil List which were previously met from the Privy Purse.
                            The cost of public education has risen from 5$ lakhs, which was spent in 1366, to 7f lakhs
                        which is the amount allocated in the new budget. This increase makes provision for two schools in
                        Muharraq, one of which was opened at the end of last year.
                            The grant for Public Health is i§ lakhs more than its cost in 1366. This increase provides for
                       additional staff and more transport.
                            The increase in the costs of other State departments and the police are due to the higher
                       allowances and normal annual increments. Salaries of permanent officials and employees are subject
                       to annual increments. These increments increase the establishment costs by about 6% per annum.
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