Page 207 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)_Neat
P. 207

188             COAST OF ARABIA.              [CH.

                           friend the Sheikh, without whose sanction the
                           commandant declared it would be impossible
                            to proceed into the interior, or even to the
                            distance of a few hundred yards in that direc­
                            tion ; but after a delay of several hours, a
                            party of about a dozen men volunteering to
                           accompany me, we proceeded on our journey,
                            notwithstanding the urgent remonstrances of
                            the officer. An attack was evidently antici­

                            pated. We proceeded with matches lighted,
                            and on approaching a suspicious spot, a scout
                            was sent forward to reconnoitre. I have since
                            heard that a marauding party from the hills
                            had been seen prowling in the vicinity, and
                            was the cause of these precautions. I merely
                            mention this to show the hostile feeling ex­
                            isting between the garrison and the people,
                            among whom they were compelled to take
  &                        up their quarters.
  -                           On quitting the fort, we continued in a
                            south-east direction through a valley, where

 %                         fresh water is obtained at the depth of one or
                           two feet from the surface ; on either side of us
                           hills of dark granite rose to a considerable
 I                         height, terminating in rugged peaks. A sin­
                           gular effect is produced in their appearance
                           by thin and shining white veins, which run
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