Page 245 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)_Neat
P. 245

226             COAST OF ARABIA.             [CH.

                              They belong to the Harb tribe, who bear the
                              character of being subtle and ferocious.
                              During our stay, after purchasing several
                              sheep from them, they made a ridiculous de­
                              mand for money as a port-due for entering
                              their harbour, which was of course refused.
                              On this they seized the pilot, who was on
                              shore; and one of the party, eager to com­

                              mence a fray, attempted to shoot a man of the
                              boat’s crew. A message had been brought
                              off previous to this by one of the pilot’s sons,
                              intimating that we had no right to make ob­
                              servations and erect flags on their coast, and
                              they would immediately drive us off it, but
                              that our great guns gave us an advantage
                              over them. “ If,” they added, “ we would
                              dispense with these, and come on shore, they
                              should be happy to meet us on equal terms.”
                              Though we were not displeased at their cha­

                              racteristic challenge, it was deemed necessary
                              to watch their motions, and this act of vio­
                              lence did not pass unobserved. A gun was
                              immediately got in readiness, and a shot or
                              two were fired over them, which sent the
                              whole party scampering off. It was amusing
                              to observe other groups who, seeing us visit
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