Page 30 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)_Neat
P. 30
>•] TOR TO SUEZ. 13
single male amidst several female date-trees.
My old friend the priest related to me that in
former years no portion of this garden, be
yond what was necessary for his own support,
escaped the rapacity of the Bedowins; but,
awed by the influence of Mohammed Ali,
who has proved himself a good friend to the
monks, they are now satisfied with a certain
quantity which is furnished them annually;
the remainder, disposed of at Cairo, yield
ing, it is said, an annual revenue of four thou
sand dollars.
On the eastern side of the garden, under
the shade of its palms, is situated the Hum-
mum Musa, or “ Bath of Moses.” The tra
ditions of the country assert this to be Elim,
where Moses and his household encamped.
Some intelligent travellers who visited the
country around T6r, have also satisfied them
selves with this identification; but, not
withstanding such high authority, I must
avow my scepticism ; for if, as is generally
supposed, the Israelites crossed at the north
ern extremity of the Red Sea, what brought
them so far south, and out of their route to
Sinai, as T6r ? Not its wells and water, since