Page 317 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)_Neat
P. 317

298             COAST OF ARABIA.             [ClI.

                            able during two-thirds of the year, yet it was
                            inconsiderately rejected in favour of the for­
                            mer, which had never been tried, and where

                            success was extremely problematical. Colonel
                            Chesney has reached Bussorah, and, as far
                            as published reports enable us to judge, the
                            intricacies of its channel—the shallowness of
                            the water—the rapidity of its current—and
                            the fury of the Desert tornadoes which
                            sweep over it, will render its adoption at
                            certain seasons most difficult if not imprac­
                            ticable. On this subject, however, a differ­

                            ence of opinion still exists; and to place it
                            beyond doubt, his Majesty’s government have
                            lately despatched a second mission under
                            Lieutenant Lynch of the Indian navy, to
                            whose indefatigable exertions, and intimate
                            acquaintance with the language and manners
                            of the natives, the former expedition, of
                            which he commanded the naval portion, was
                            greatly indebted. Such qualities eminently
                            fit him for the duty he has now proceeded

                            on,  and which has also for its object the at­
                            taining a political ascendancy over the seve­

                            ral tribes on the basin of the Euphrates. He
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