Page 349 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)_Neat
P. 349

                                    COAST OF NUBIA.              [CH.

                    these gentlemen, with the sketch taken from
                    tlie late trigonometrical survey, demonstrate
                    that the former is at the same time incorrect
                    and incomplete. In fact a bare inspection of
                    their route, which I have traced on the
                    sketch, will show that a very small portion

                    of the whole surface of the island could have
                    come under their personal observation. The
                    Benares* chart of the island establishes, be­
                    yond a doubt, the existence of the harbour of
                    Dobelew, formed between Ras el Shoel and
                    Irwee, as described by Bruce, and his de­
                     scription of its narrow entrance, the great
                     rapidity of the tides, and the uneven and
                     rocky bottom, have been all found to be per­
                    fectly correct.

                       Regarding the tanks, the officers of the
                     Benares could not ascertain their exact
                     number, though more than one hundred and
                     twenty, hewn out of the rock, were shown to
                     them. These were not all so protected as to
                     prevent the approach of animals, as men­

                     tioned by Mr. Salt, but were particularly
                     remarked by the officers of the Benares to
                     be partly filled up with dung of animals and
                     filth. The natives stated to the party that
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