Page 376 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)_Neat
P. 376

XVII.]          COAST OF NH HI A.           349

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                            CHAPTER XVII.
           Mersa Shab—Bichari Arabs—Costumes—Arms—Fondness for
             Tobacco—Jebel Elba—Mountaineers—Working Silver Mines—
             Anchorages—Sherm IJilaib—Wells —Pasturage— Character
             of the Natives—Burial -places—Arab Jealousy—Mersa Marub
             —Ruined Buildings—Pilgrims1 Tombs—Sherm3Abu Mishmish                ;
             —Conclusion of Northern Survey—Foul Bay Coast Line.
           At Mersa Sliab, during low water, we lay

           aground about one hundred and fifty yards
            from the entrance, across which a heavy
            swell was setting; but the interior has smooth
            water and is completely sheltered south of
            the anchorage: connected with it by a con­
            tracted shallow channel, there is a lagoon
            of considerable extent, which is overrun in
            many places with mangrove bushes. The
            neighbouring country exhibits a desert and
            barren surface, covered near the sea with

            saline incrustations, blistered by the heat
            of the sun. We saw here several natives,
            belonging to the Bichari Arabs, who, though
            their complexion was quite as black as that
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