Page 409 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)_Neat
P. 409
of February, 1835, we were rapidly ap
proaching its eastern harbour with a fresh
breeze. The outline is very rugged, being
broken at the upper part into sharp and
pointed peaks, the faces and sides of which
are crossed by horizontal ledges of a darker
hue, intersected at right angles by patches
and streaks of a lighter grey, and the
clouds over their summits gave to the whole
a sombre and gloomy appearance. The for
tifications on the small island of Sirah, the
turrets on the pinnacles of the mountains
over the town, and the town itself, were suc
cessively brought into view, and shortly be
fore noon we anchored within the inner har-
bour. From this situation can be seen
patches of masonry and half-ruined towers
on the neighbouring ridges, which indicate
the former existence of extensive walls.
Large guns lie dismounted on the beach,
and a few superb minarets still tower above
the mounds of rubbish with which they are
surrounded, recalling to the mind of the ob
server some idea of the former opulence and
importance of this city.
Abulfeda notices Aden as forming in his