Page 232 - Truncal States to UAE_Neat
P. 232

Social Aspects of Traclitiona.
                                                                         who came back armed with exp
                                           j   t Jose their Jobs t to those
                                                                        the traditional pattern of the life t
                                       in oll'^e m*ddle of ^ullUde-skilled tribesman of Abu Dhabi
        Cl i'1*1                         f'3 lr sec\ on thetmul P asjflg number of people the traditio
         d l*lC
         ^1 or*                             ba^ble- but lo' : chiinged. According to the information c
          *rcf  -                    recog*11 ‘ ,’0Lit*ne h '          . ee and those who helped him durin
                                                                                  "N. or .ho L,wa Apr.
                                    M*rvU>^‘                    in ten or the people who used to go pearl,og
                                   [955 15 only         . during that year. They were generally only those
                                    till participa ^ ling boats and their relatives who had a direct in-
                                  tvho owned Pe^,ore people went pearling during the summers of the
                                 teresl in them. ^ e Qf the bad date harvest following locust attacks,
                                 eariy ?950s beca Qf outside employment influenced the traditional
                                   tug availability multi-skilled tribesman, but at the same time did
                                rjattern °f H fe °         SLic changes in his lifestyle. Most tribesmen
                              ^ ot necessitate        w^jth the oil company, regarding it rather like one
                             in^tially t0^iti0nal sea'"sonal occupations, returning lo the dates or
                             of         or 10 fishing at any lime lhei' saw Rl-The traditional rouline
                            Cam^lements with reg£^rd to the rest of the family, the camels and

                           *rraIT^lms remained unaltered even though the able-bodied                       men
                          dalG ^nt to work for lh*e company.

                          n°BV 19^S. of the Llwa-bas^d tnen who went away lo seek work wilb

                             oil coir^hany the largest r^un^er was employedby PD1TCV, others
                             Sained Qatar, Saudi A^b^,KuwaiUndBahrain.Emplomewl

                                                                                       * * * -*■

                                  tbs ava>»‘,blB for tocal

                                   'tUcia' <p ^an Levies, so^ v. m h
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