Page 6 - Truncal States to UAE_Neat
P. 6
Tabic of Contents
Zn'fib 74
Tanaij 75
Naqbiyln 75
Ghafalah 76
Other tribes 76
Shihuh and Dhahuriyln 77
Chapter Three: Administering a Tribal Society 81
1 The “decentralisation” of the administration in the
wali system of tribal shaikhdoms 81
General 81
The Qasimi Empire 82
Rise and disintegration 82
Ra’s al Khaimah as a wali's seat and as an independent
Trucial State 85
Ra’s al Khaimah’s dependencies 87
Dibah 88
Shamailiyah—Kalba 91
Shamailiyah—Fujairah 93
Daid 95
Hamrlyah, Khan and Hirah 97
2 Other means of exercising authority 100
3 Abu Dhabi—a tribal confederation’s means to
absorb change 102
The setting 102
The Ruler’s representatives 103
Dhafrah 103
Tarif 105
Jabal al Dhannah 108
Das Island 109
Buraimi Oasis 109
Dalma 110
4 Manifestations of administrative sovereignty—
with an emphasis on examples from Abu Dhabi 112
Taxation 112
Customs duties
Reservation of rights 118
Subsidies and other manifestations of authority
Jurisdiction 120
5 Conclusion 124