Page 36 - final_transitari
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Declaración de Expedidores para el Transporte de Mercancías Peligrosas
Certificado Intermodal de Pesos del Expedidor
Instrucciones de Envío
FIATA's main objectives are
• to unite the freight forwarding industry worldwide
• to represent, promote and protect the interests of the industry by participating as advisors
or experts in meetings of international bodies dealing with transportation
• to familiarise trade and industry and the public at large with the services rendered by freight
forwarders through the dissemination of information, distribution of publications, etc.
• to improve the quality of services rendered by freight forwarders by developing and
promoting uniform forwarding documents, standard trading conditions, etc.
• to assist with vocational training for freight forwarders, liability insurance problems, tools
for electronic commerce including electronic data interchange (EDI) and barcode.
Regional Meetings
FIATA Association members are divided into 4 regions worldwide. These are:
Africa/Middle EastAmericasAsia/PacificEurope
The primary target of the Regional Meetings is to bring forward the regional issues, and if
necessary submit them to the Institutes and technical bodies of FIATA. The intention being to
identify and assist regional members in solving their local industry problems.
IRU, acrónimo en inglés para la Unión Internacional de Transporte por Carretera, es una
organización mundial de transporte carretero que representa los intereses de los operadores de
camiones (así como los intereses de los operadores de autobuses, autocares y taxis) para el
movimiento de personas y mercancías por carretera.
La IRU participa activamente en la facilitación del comercio para el transporte por carretera
y busca armonizar, tanto como sea posible, toda la legislación que rige actualmente el transporte
carretero, a fin de garantizar la interoperabilidad, evitar la duplicación y la confusión innecesaria
que ocasiona costosos retrasos, infracciones a la ley y multas.