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2021-22 Season Sponsorships and Donors
No fine arts organization can exist without the hard work of its members and the
generous support of the community.
Season Sponsorships typically include AMC’s Fall, Christmas, and Spring concert season.
Donors will be recognized throughout the year in our concert program and are divided
according to their level of giving. The donors on this list reflect those who generously
gave last year during the season that did not exist due to the Pandemic.
Concert Underwriters ($15,00 +)
Arlington Convention and Visitors Bureau
The Tomorrow Foundation Fund
Platinum ($5,000 - $14,999) -- Provides small ensembles or guest artists
Linda H Brookshire
DJ and Doug Cawley
Diane and Kent Rasmussen
Gold ($3,000 - $4,999) -- Provides choral scores for a concert
Silver ($1,000 - $2,999) -- Provides the venue for one concert
Jean Cotellesse Carey Hendrickson W Gordon Smyth
Debbie Duncan Lynda and Wesley Hopp Kathleen & Edmond Wolfram
Dana and Vance Hapeman Kathy Oszustowicz
Bronze ($500 - $999) -- Provides performance audio/visual per concert
Michael Bohan Dave & Amy Harsha Tracy Loftin
Jean Cotellessee Ed & Carol Jones Gay McGough
Lloyd Dietert Tricia Jones Tom & Sandy McGrew
Charles W. Duke, Jr. Susan Lauderdale Brian Skinner
Patron ($250 - $499) -- Provides postage for concert mailings
Sarah Knotts Willa Mills Gary L. Webb
Carl Long Network for Good
Supporter ($101 - $249) -- Provides instrumentalist fee for one concert
Amazon Smile Travis and Elizabeth Beth Rodzinski
Marc Anderson English James & Karen Hargreaves
Jan & Dennis Barry Kay Fox Carole Hagler
Michael Bohan Beth and Charles Goetz William Helton
Connie Bohn The Gordon Family- Denise Hutcherson
Beth Jones Anita Gruber Bobby James
Randy Jordan Lynda Lively Ned/Mary Webster
Larry Koonce Connie Malone John and Beckie Wilson
Kroger Laura Mamazza George & Lois Wisbrock
Chingfen Lin Tom McGregor YourCause Corporate Funding
The Arlington Master Chorale is a 501C-3 not-for-pro t corporation.
All donations are tax deductible.