Page 13 - Harare International School
P. 13

 Standardized Tests?SAT SA T Re s u l t s ? 2 0 1 8 / 1 9
The international score is taken from what is called The District ? which is the private schools within the same region as our school. There are no global international scores, so the only comparison we can make internationally is through the district scores.
In this year group 24 of our 29 students sat the test. 1439 District students and a total of 2,136,539 students sat the tests.
As would be expected, even with this small number of students, HISstudents score above both US averages in reading, writing, and mathmatics. Our curriculum review cycle is another way that allows us to ensure that our learning is regulary evaluated and refreshed.
At HIS, we use Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) testing in Grades 3-9 as a means of measuring and benchmarking our students?performance and growth in Reading, Maths, and Science. MAP assessments are unique as they are adaptive, meaning that the difficulty of the question changes depending on whether the student answers the previous question correctly. MAP data can be used to help us analyse how HIS students perform against US counterparts, as well as against international schools. This helps us evaluate the effectiveness of our HIS curriculum and teaching and learning. Even more importantly, HISuses this information to monitor student growth which informs instruction and guides personalisation of learning.
Both SAT and MAP are only single data points in terms of the success of students?experiences at HIS.

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