Page 19 - Harare International School
P. 19

    Annual Parent SurveyHighlights
With our very diverse international community, seeking feedback about teaching and learning from parents is essential. We received feedback from 24% of our parents. It is important to know how the other 76% of our parents feel about their children?s learning experiences. Please watch for the link in May 2020!
Areasof strength?
High-quality, balance academics.
Curriculum meets the education needs of my child. Educating the whole child.
School culture of respect and integrity.
High quality faculty and staff to support learning. Teachers know my child?s learning style.
Receive helpful information about my child?s progress Well-maintained campus and facilities
Use of technology to support learning
As a parent, I feel part of the HIScommunity
Areasfor growth?
High quality, balanced Sports program Responsive to concerns I have raised Principals effectively lead the school levels The Director effectively leads the School
HIS utilizes its financial resources effectively The HIS Board effectively governs the School
  Agree 89% 87% 79% 83% 78% 78% 58% 89% 85% 85%
  58% 58% 65% 68% 45% 61%

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