Page 5 - Harare International School
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The Harare International School?s Board of Governors consists of at least seven and up to nine members plus the Director (non-voting). Five members are elected by HISparents to serve two-year terms and must be parents of students currently enrolled at HIS. Two members are appointed by the Embassy of the United States for two-year terms and at least one appointee must be the parent of a student enrolled at HIS. Up to two additional members may be appointed by the Board itself for one-year terms.
The HISBoard of Governors has three primary responsibilities:
HISBoard Of Governors
1. Provide financial oversight and ensure that the school has the resources it needs to deliver a high-quality education to all HIS students.
2. Approve the long-term strategic direction of the school and set policies to support the strategic goals. The Board delegates the implementation of these policies to the Director who is responsible for the administrative operations of the school.
3. To hire, support, and supervise the School?s Director.
The Board has two standing committees, Finance and Governance, to develop policy and propose decisions for consideration by the Board.
The Finance Committee ensures the financial health and sustainability of the school by engaging in long-term financial planning, reviewing fiscal management procedures, and maintaining the funding and reserves necessary to achieve and sustain a quality educational program.
The Governance Committee reviews and it also builds and sustains an effective Board by ensuring Board continuity, Board education, good governance practices, and a strong pool of potential Board candidates. It revises, as needed, the governing documents and strategic policies of the school and it conducts the annual performance evaluation of the school?s Director.
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