Page 6 - Harare International School
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Committee membership consists of at least two Board members, interested parents, faculty or staff members, the Board Chair, and the School Director. The Board may form additional committees or working groups as needed to address issues identified as priorities for the year. This year the Board formed an Energy Task Force to develop a sustainable energy plan for our campus.
For the second half of the 2018-19 School Year, HIShad six Board members:
The Boards goals for 2018-19 were:
1. Develop a shared understanding of the role of the Board within the HIScommunity.
2. Align HIS governance documents and strategic policies with the school?s vision and
3. Devise and implement a community-wide process for reviewing the HISMission and
Vision (joint goal with the Director).
The Board encourages all parents to consider contributing their time and expertise on the Board or one of the committees. While there are no specific constituencies that are entitled to representation on the Board, HIS strives to have a healthy balance of diverse perspectives on its
Individuals from companies, organizations or entities with a substantial population at HIS; individuals from the diplomatic community;
parents with children in different school divisions (Early Childhood through Grade 12); various nationalities; and
short-term and long-term residents.