Page 14 - Demo
P. 14
With Covid-19 coming slowly to an end, a common view on the future for fashion has emerged, which is remarkably similar to my 2030 vision. The endless treadmill of seasonal collections and the continuous traveling circus of fashion industry professionals needs to change. Skipping seasons and backing out of the fashion show system became the new normal. With the industry looking at new ways to digitalise their fashion showcase platforms and consumers demanding an increasingly active role the future is here today. Or is it?
One of my main concerns is that we will see a rapid fall back to traditional values in the industry as soon as Covid-19 is fully under control. After all, environmental awareness and concerns about sustainability are considered a luxury29 by many. Covid-19 has brought about an unprecedented global fall in the economy. The UN30 states that while the impact of the pandemic will vary from country to country, it will most likely increase poverty and inequalities at a global scale. It may seem obvious that companies that are fighting for survival, and consumers who have less to spend on fashion than before, could put a break on sustainable development until order is restored. At the same time it may be the case that some of the values that have become the norm during the Covid-19 crisis may remain afterwards as well.
As always, the future is unknown and incredibly difficult to predict. But in all this turmoil my vision stands. Whether we will achieve this ideal long before 2030 or find our way back to it after a period of regression remains to be seen. But if nothing else, the Covid-19 crisis has demonstrated that my vision is not a utopia but a realistic view on a sustainable future for fashion in general and the Amsterdam Fashion Week specifically.
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