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I am also aware that despite all these, it
might still be a big challenge for you to
make this decision but one thing I know is
that every pregnant woman enters into the
labor room with labor pains but comes out
with a smile, because something new has
been birth. A revival is coming to this
nation that we will need both the anointing
and knowledge so, do not be left out!!!
Give us a chance to change your address,
from where you are, to where you should
be, through the “Rhema Word of God”.
God bless you as we wait to see you in
Director and Chancellor, Rhema Fits Bible
School Cameroon
Rev. Dr. Columbus Awung Fondong
B.A in Theology and Biblical Studies
(Athens Greece)
M.A in Ministry and Theology (Athens
Doctor of Ministry and Theology
FROM THE DIRECTOR'S DESK lecturers, loving school mates and above all (California USA)
Ps 119:130 'The entrance of thy words giveth light; it a Godly atmosphere. I am aware that the first
giveth understanding unto the simple.' KJV question in the mind of every prospective
student is 'what do I stand to gain after my
My dear friend, Sir, Madam, studies in this school?'I will attempt to
answer this question in two perspectives.
I strongly believe that inside every doctor
there is a hospital, inside every nurse there is
a clinic, inside every true pastor there is a
church inside every minister there is a First, you will obtain either A Bachelor or
ministry and this ministry can only be safely Master of Arts Degree in your specialty, a
brought out through the revealed word Diploma in theology and ministry or a
“Rhema word of God”. Child of God, you certificate in Ministry signed and delivered
carry something inside you, come and let from the USA depending on which of the
'Rhema' help you to find out what it is and program you enrol in and this will place you
also to help you deliver it. Rhema Fits Bible in a good position to further any ministerial
College Cameroon from the USA in or theological education at home or abroad.
Cameroon has been designed by God as the Second and most important is that before the
labour room in which you go in and deliver end of your program in Rhema Fits Bible WHAT IS RHEMA FITS BIBLE COLLEGE
what your spiritual womb is carrying. Rhema College, God will give you a Rhema word just
is a place that takes people from where they for you to enter an entire new life in the
are to where they should be using the word remaining part of your life, ministry and
of God. career. Because in Rhema we don't just do Rhema Faith International Special Bible
theology, we do Ministry and I believe that
Thank you for taking your time to look at College (Rhema Fits Bible College) is an
what we do here in RHEMA, Rhema is a place every recovery begins with a discovery but independent, interdenominational and
that takes people from where they are to every discovery begins from a revelation
where they should be using the word of God. which can only come from an encounter of non-denominational Bible school for all
God's revealed word 'Rhema word of God', denomination, all age group, all level of
If you are considering to go to, or you know the 'rhema for 'A' is not the 'Rhema for 'B'.
someone who want to go to a Bible school educational background and all races
then Rhema Fits Bible College could just be with only one requirement, being born
the right school for you, the first non- I want to let you know that God has prepared again and having the thirst to be a better
denominational and interdenominational and positioned an experienced trained team
Bible school in Cameroon and if you decide to of midwives at Rhema Fits Bible College to person in your ministry, your career, your
enroll, I assure you that you will find out at help you deliver what you have been home, your local church and your
the end that enrolling is one of the most carrying for so long in your spiritual womb, society. Rhema Fits Bible College is not
important decisions you ever made in your and what took them many years, costing
entire Christian life. Let me say that, this them thousands of dollars in many different affiliated to but it is associated with and
school has been designed to meet up the countries to deliver what they carry has been recognised by Faith International
needs of lay Christians wanting to grow in brought right here for you at almost no cost training School (FITS) New Jersey
the word not just in church doctrine, to meet for almost no time.
the needs of church workers wanting to We have made it very convenient because USA and affiliated to Next Dimension
better their services in their local churches, University California USA. Rhema Fits
to meet the needs of those who are doubting 1) You can be working or schooling Bible College Cameroon is designed to
whether or not they are called and want to and still attend Rhema Fits Bible
find out their calling, to meet the needs of School since we do school only two offer Theology and Ministry at the
called ministers who are not yet established weeks in a month, certificate level for six months, diploma
so they can establish, to meet the needs of 2) There is morning and evening level for nine months, bachelor's degree
those who are called and are already session for you to choose the one
established but want to get some more that suits your program, level for two years, as well as master's
deeper revelation especially in the Greek and degree level for 15 months all of which
Hebrew and also to meet the need even of 3) You can do distance learning if you are signed and delivered from USA. Our
career people who just want to get the word want, just register and get your
of God for personal living. So in whatever books study from home and only specialty lies in the indebt consideration
category you fall, the school is a package with come to write exams of the Greek and Hebrew interpretation
your name on it. So don't hesitate, just come 4) The fees are very considerate of the word of God.
on, we are ready to welcome you, conducive compared to what is offered.
classrooms, welcoming staff, friendly